Thursday, January 19, 2012

Challenge Thursday: 5 Cards Out; 1 Letter In

So last week I started "Challenge Thursday" on my little blog.  I challenged everyone who read it to send at least one note to someone they are thankful for and/or someone who has touched there lives. 

I decided to write 5 cards - my adventure began by taking Brayden to the store to find 5 pretty cards to write my notes in.  After steering Brayden away from the cards with Batman and Star Wars on the front - we worked together to pick out 5 simple, pretty cards.  We put them in the cart - purchased 43 more dollars worth of stuff (even though the cards were all we came for) and headed for home.  They stayed in my purse until yesterday.

I got the cards out and decided that I needed to make good on my first challenge.  I started to think of who all I wanted to say something to - of course, my list was only a million names long.  Please don't be offended if I didn't send you a card - it's mainly because my hand was starting to spaz out from all the writing!  It doesn't mean I love you any less. :)   These are my card recipients:

1.  My mom (with honorable mention to my dad.):  She listens to me whenever I need her.  She's been there for me through everything that's ever happened in my life.  She supports me in more ways than one and I don't say thank you enough to her.  I made sure that I said thank you in my card to her .  My dad fits right in there as well, bad jokes and all.

2.  Jill J:  Jill started off as my babysitter when I was in elementary school, getting me ready before school and making sure I got on the bus.  She then became my summer sitter as well.  Once I was old enough to be on my own, she simply became my friend.  Growing up she was like a second mom to me.  I'm glad she is still in my life, and that I am also able to share her joyous spirit with my kids.  I love running into her at different places because she's always so much fun to catch up with.

3.  Kim N.:  I work with Kim N.  I don't think she knows how valuable she is, not just as a co-worker, but as a person and a friend.  She would literally do anything for anyone.  And she's got really great style - I'm completely jealous of her wardrobe.

4.  Michelle G.: I could probably write a whole entire blog dedicated to Michelle - my Chimichanga.  She's such a beautiful person inside and out.  She gets my warped sense of humor.  We don't see each other often, but when we do it's like we've never been apart.  We trade office gossip, husband horror stories, and brag on our kids.   We met when we worked in the same unit - we even shared a little cubicle.  She even used to french braid my hair on our breaks!  I love that girl.

5.  Random Person from the phonebook:  Yep, you read that right.  I opened the phone book and picked a random person and sent them a card.  I figure it will be taken one of two ways.  1.  The receiving person will think it's completely sweet and adorable and will be inspired to do something similar. Or 2.  The receiving person will think it's incredibly strange and stalkerish and try to track me down to tell me not to send them cards.  On a side note - I didn't include my return address on this one - I simply wrote on the inside of the card "You are so valuable to so many people - don't ever forget that."....just in case they decide to go with number 2.

I put Kim's card on her desk this afternoon after she left, so it's the first thing she will see when she gets back in the office.  I mailed the others, but not until today - so if you are reading this and I sent you a card - Surprise!  It's on its way. 

Words really do have an impact on people.  I've been carrying around an envelope in my purse for several months.  I had found it when I was going through a box of pictures and art projects from my own preschool days.  The envelope was worn with time.   It had "Cathe Poisal" written on the front and on the back it said "to be opened when Cathe is 25".  I was 27 at the time,  so I was only two years late in opening it.  Once I did though, I decided that it was going with me everywhere I went because it made me feel so good.  This is what the letter said:

August 15, 1989

Dear Cathe,

My name is Michele Hershberger.  I was your preschool teacher when you were three through five.  This letter is to remind you of those fun times

You were a very bright and cooperate girl - a joy to have around! You loved to color, write letters and do art projects.  You never missed a trick.  You enjoyed playing with Colby, Sarah, Jennifer, and of course baby Erin.

You loved being a helper, and remember The Three Piggy Opera?  We really did have fun.  I shall always remember those sparkling brown eyes.

With love from your teacher,

Miss Michele

This is no joke:  I'm still bright and cooperative (no really, it's written in my evaluation at work).   I love to color and art projects are still some of my favorite things to do.  I'm a natural helper - in fact I love helping people and I always have.  Oh - and don't forget my sparling brown eyes - because I still have those as well.

In addition to the letter was a sticker in the shape of a ribbon that said "Cathe Poisal: FutreNow as if the letter weren't sweet enough (and pretty telling of my future), how ironic is it that one of my managers wrote nearly the same thing on my Christmas Card over 20 years later?

I will probably carry that envelope around in my purse for the next 50 years. 

It's a new challenge!!  So I've shared my experience with the challenge from last week, so it's time for a new challenge!! 

Participate in the Valentines Card shower for the kids at Children's Mercy.  We're breaking out the construction paper, glitter, glue, markers, and stickers this weekend and whipping up a batch of V-Day cards to be sent to the hospital.  For more information, including the different drop-off locations check out  Happy crafting!

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