We're a family. A crazy, hectic, fun, loving, slightly on the dysfunctional side family...but a family nonetheless.
Friday, January 27, 2012
This week in pictures and videos: Things that make me smile...and cringe.
Overall, this has been a pretty good week - no blood, no calls to poison control, super productive at work, kids were pretty well behaved all week and no laundry to fold. Now the laundry thing is mainly because I haven't done any laundry all week - but I'm choosing to look on the bright side of things. I have about 3 or 4 different topics that I want to write about, but tonight we're keeping it simple. Tonight's all about the pictures! And about a yummy breakfast recipe that can be made the night before! And about welcoming my very first sponsor to my blog! Yep it's going to be a pretty simple one tonight, so without further ado...let's get started with our video clips of the week:
On Sunday, I got to spend a little one on one time with my baby girl. Brayden got to spend some time with his cousins and grandma and grandpa, so everyone was a winner. After church, Price Chopper, and Wal-Mart, we made a quick stop at Quik Trip - when I got back in the car from filling up with gas, I looked back and Emma was going to town with Old McDonald....and apparently he had a pig, and a pig, and a pig....oh and another pig.
Later in the week I shot another video at the urgency of my three year old. "Hey mama - watch me jump really far! Oh and video camera it too!" So, I present to you what might possibly cause my hair to go a little gray in the near future: (Please pay close attention to that awesome outfit: Caveman T-Shirt and a pair of GoodNites Underwear)
Now, on to the pictures that made me smile and also made me thankful for haircolor:
This is Brayden's room...also known as the pig pen. I started cleaning his room on Monday. I was so disgusted after I found a used pull up in the closet and a cup of sour milk on his dresser that I just gave up. His room still looks like this, minus the milk and pull up. And he was sweet enough to turn his sisters room into a wreck too.
I love retail therapy. We scored some great deals from Target, including some cool new jammy pants for Brayden, a new Sweater for little man, Sparkly jeans for Missy Em, and a new Booster Seat that has a booster seat for a baby doll attached to it. Everything I got was on clearance....and that makes momma happy.
We told Brayden that he needed to quit pulling his chair over to the sink because every time he did he made a mess. So, what's a kid to do? Well, in this kids case, he's going to use his monkey toes to climb up the cabinet...and....still make a mess. "But you didn't tell me I couldn't climb!"
Seriously? I mean...seriously? I went to the bathroom for...maybe 45 seconds. I hear Brayden say to Emma "Do you really think I want to go around picking your mess up Emma? You are going to be in BIG trouble." We all (meaning I did it by myself) picked up this mess.
I started a new diet this week...I went to HyVee to grab some cauliflower, and logically this display was on the top of the cooler that the veggies and fruit were in. FML. I did muster all of my strength and chose not to purchase a candy bar bouquet. But I wanted to. Boy, did I want to.
The picture above may look like an ordinary picture colored by a three year old and a one year old. In all actuality, it's a picture, colored on by a three year old and a one year old on a piece of $16 "Tank Grip" paper that daddy had bought for his motorcycle. And had intended to use again. Now my friends, it's a lovely picture hanging on our fridge. This is just about the most expensive piece of art we own.
With the massive amount of cabinet space we have (please note sarcasm), I desperately needed the blender one night. And because we are so organized (insert eye roll) and the hubby new exactly where it was, all of my Tupperware ended up on the floor. Well, as it turns out, my blender was not in that cabinet and all of the Tupperware got shoved back in the cabinet, even more disorganized then when it was taken out.
This was a mid week package that I had got this week...I had forgot that I ordered it, so it was very exciting!
Piggy Paint is odorless, non toxic nail polish that I bought for Emma from WalMart.com. I had been wanting to get
some for a while, so I jumped on it when it was finally in stock....And it came with a surprise!
Pay no attention to the dirty dishes on the table...instead pay attention to all of the free samples I got in my order of nail polish - It was like Christmas in trial sizes!
See that book in there with the pretty pictures on it? Well dearies...that is actually a calendar/organizer. One that I haven't looked at in over two weeks. Now if I had looked in it, I would have realized that we had an appointment to have our pictures taken at church tonight for the new directory. Instead, my mom accidentally reminded me with an email that she sent to my work today: "Are you still having your pictures taken tonight?" Oh. My. God. It was three o' clock, I was at work - a good 45 minutes from my home. I had woke up late this morning so had 0 make up on and was not having the best hair day in the world. I had laid out no clothes for Garry/the kids, nor did Garry know about the pictures because I myself had forgotten. We ended up throwing ourselves together with fairly little drama, made it to church - looking like a fairly cohesive family, and got our pictures taken. Now, that was a close one!
This one is upside down, and I'm to lazy to fix it. We got a free 8 by 10 and a free church directory.
Because I'm a sucker for a good pic, I ended up buying the proofs of all of the pictures taken for $25 - but we
we all looked to dang cute not to make some sort of purchase.
And last but not least....
Overnight Cream Cheese French Toast Casserole
I've been wanting to make this mash up of some of my favorite things for quite some time. The picture above is what it looks like before you let it sit in the fridge overnight. I'm not going to lie....I cannot wait for tomorrow morning so I can pop this puppy into the oven.
Things ya need:
Casserole Dish
12 pieces of bread, cubed
8 eggs, beaten
1 cup of milk
1 cup of half and half
2 packages of cream cheese, cubed
1/2 cup of syrup
A dash of cinnamon and sugar
What ya need to do:
Put a layer of bread down in your casserole dish. (6 Slices)
Plop your cubes of cream cheese randomly around the first layer of bread (use all of the cream cheese.)
Put another layer of bread down in the casserole dish.
Mix your eggs, milk, half and half, syrup, cinnamon, and sugar together.
Pour mixture over bread.
Optional: I made a cute squiggly design with a little more syrup and sprinkled some more cinnamon on top.
Not Optional: You cover the dish with foil and refrigerate it overnight. Take it out in the morning and bake in a 350 degree oven for approximately 30 minutes. Take it out, let it cool down just a touch, and enjoy some rich, yummy, goodness for breakfast!
And now, I would like to take a minute to welcome RD Photography to my blog! I am super excited to have my very first sponsor! RD Photography is a local Harrisonville photographer that works with you to make your experience unique and fun! She takes her time with her clients, she's patient, and so easy to work with! She does great work at an incredibly affordable price! As a special deal, she is taking $5 off an hour session for everyone that mentions Tiaras and Tantrums! Thanks RD Photography! We can't wait to have you take more pictures of our family!
Check out some of her work below and then go and like her on Facebook! And then book your session and make sure you mention Tiaras and Tantrums!
Find RD Photography on Facebook! Book your session! Mention Tiaras and Tantrums! Get some money off an already affordable shoot! And according to the last two paragraphs, I absolutely LOVE exclamation points!!!!!
Cute right?! I'm especially fond of the last one...but I'm not biased or anything! So the question I pose to you tonight: When was the last time you had family pictures taken?
The last time we had a family picture taken was a complete fluke, at my sister's wedding (2? years ago). We were standing together waiting to be told what to do, and a friend happened to take a really good picture that now hangs in our living room. The only other one we ever got taken was when our eldest (now 6yrs.) was 5 months old, for mother's day.
(PIGGY PAINT! I searched everywhere for that stuff and finally found it at a health food store. Love it.)
Oh - hi, btw. :) I'm Skwishee, and I'm here via We Band of Mothers.
great post...loved Emmas song! The recipe sounds delicious, mmmmm.....french toast anything! As for family pics I think Jim & I haven't had them done since the big kids were babies...so we might be overdue.
Isn't it great to snap a picture and grab a glimpse of a moment. So much occurs while our children are small. The messes, the laughs, and their cute lil faces when they know they are caught. This is a great post on how to look on the brighter side of those little moments. I too have a post on "savoring the little moments." I look forward to reading more posts and hope you enjoy my blog as well.
You are really good at this love keeping up with the family. The kids are growing up so and are so very cute. Keep up the good work.
The last time we had a family picture taken was a complete fluke, at my sister's wedding (2? years ago). We were standing together waiting to be told what to do, and a friend happened to take a really good picture that now hangs in our living room.
ReplyDeleteThe only other one we ever got taken was when our eldest (now 6yrs.) was 5 months old, for mother's day.
(PIGGY PAINT! I searched everywhere for that stuff and finally found it at a health food store. Love it.)
Oh - hi, btw. :) I'm Skwishee, and I'm here via We Band of Mothers.
great post...loved Emmas song! The recipe sounds delicious, mmmmm.....french toast anything! As for family pics I think Jim & I haven't had them done since the big kids were babies...so we might be overdue.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it great to snap a picture and grab a glimpse of a moment. So much occurs while our children are small. The messes, the laughs, and their cute lil faces when they know they are caught. This is a great post on how to look on the brighter side of those little moments. I too have a post on "savoring the little moments." I look forward to reading more posts and hope you enjoy my blog as well.
ReplyDeleteThanks !
Thanks everyone for the comments and taking time to check out my blog! I really, really appreciate it!